Friday, 1 August 2014

Update August 2014

UPDATE AUGUST 2014 Things have been moving along nicely but slowly I met with the police in June and was happy with how things are progressing . I am satisfied that they are doing everything they can to secure convictions and that they are doing things properly now. One of the men from The Sorrento Six was removed from the large sports club he was involved in, while another one was sacked from his job and another one had to stop drinking in the pub he drank in daily for 40 years. The main ringleader of the Sorrento Six suffered a stroke and is in hospital due to the pressure of the investigation, he was questioned two times recently by the police and is beginning to fold now under the strain. The tables have well and truly turned now and they are no longer in control and have no power within the police force because a new team have come in and they are making sure everything is done properly, nothing is now going thier way, where once they called the shots, now I do, and now the shoe is on the other foot. I am waiting to hear if there will be an inquiry into my case and I am also in correspondence with GSOC, so along with the possibility of convictions there are many irons in the fire, and I am confident that the identity of the men will be known soon and that big things are on the horizon. In the meantime I am trying to study for my degree and to take breaks where I can if I'm lucky enough not to be weighed down with everything alongside trying to live a normal life which of course is not always possible as I am often brought to my knees with the weight of it all and my mind become overwhelmed with it all and I can be incapable of getting through the day or of leading any kind of existence. But onward and upwards and hoping for an outcome of some sort after the long summer when I hope to get some Positive news in of which I will update you all again. Once again thanks to everyone for thier support, I really could not do this without you all!