Sorry I have not been posting much recently have been busy moving house and supporting hubby in his recovery and trying to finish my studies. I am now delighted to report I have earned a 2.2 BA Honours Degree in Social Sciences and I will post more about this achievement once I graduate in July.
Still no word from the Police (well only to say they are nearly finished their investigations) and still no word from the Panel Review, but recent media reports suggests we should begin hearing very soon.
There are now 365 cases of Garda Corruption to be looked at, will the government finally become transparent or will they carry on their tradition of betraying and ignoring us? We will have to wait and see................................
For myself I swing between "surely to God they won't be that stupid to ignore such a huge divide between victim and oppressor, with elections coming up, they have no choice but to put this right" to.... "dont be ridiculous you have been on this campaign for 22 years and nothing has EVER changed over that time, still the same old, same old, covering their backs theory and brushing it all under the carpet"
One thing I do know is that the waiting has nearly killed me, coming up to a year now, to hear from the panel review with little or no information from them to help me along the journey, despite my solicitor and I writing to them with several queries over that time. And waiting for the police to complete for the last 18 months or so, and the trauma it caused me assisting both the Minister for Justice and the police having to go over it over and over again, is NEVER worth the trauma I suffer and never justifies the outcome which is usually a big fat nothing.
The last 18 months have also been very difficult for hubby as we battled through his cancer, feeling scared, alone and isolated, almost in a dream like state with every day feeling like a nightmare, we were surrounded by friends and loved ones and the support was outstanding, but it didn't stop us feeling terrified and anxious and scared. The whole process knocked us both for six and is still on-going.
On top of that I had my degree to finish, I was supposed to have finished in June 2014, to Graduate in July 2014, but I had to put it on hold due to the trauma from assisting the police, telling myself it would be worth it. I just could not manage both, but a whole year later I am still waiting and still traumatised every day as I wait to hear big news and wake each day with it on my mind, this doesn't feel any different to me than the usual waiting game that normally comes to nothing and no real answers or no real recognition or acknowledgement or apology. Lets hope I am wrong.
I intend to eventually blog on a more regular basis and in time I intend to put up extracts from my book that I wasn't allowed to publish for legal reasons, this has always rankled me, while I completely understood that the publishers had to protect themselves and given that I have been legally threatened a few times, I was happy to accept their worries.
However somewhere down the line if I ever get the time I intend to tell my full story on here if I can't get to tell it in a courtroom or an inquiry and I intend to name all the men responsible so watch this space............................
~Thank you