Sunday, 6 September 2015



Sorry I haven't posted for such a long time, was trying to prepare for a meeting with the Garda and had to get so much paper work ready. 

We met on Friday 28/08/15 and had a 10 hour meeting, over all I was happy enough with it, even though we only got through half the papers and now have to meet again, but in all I think it is going in the right direction and I really cant say much more than that at this time.

Hubby and I were married 21 years on 17th August, and our son turned 28 the next day so we had lots to celebrate. 

I am still waiting to hear from the Department of Justice about the Panel Review and if my case has been chosen to be heard by a Commission, it if was, it means I can summons "witnesses" to give evidence which means I can call the men who abused me, and the cops who worked on my daughters murder case. 

I could also call family members who protected the paedophiles in my family and in the village of Dalkey and establish if some of my older sisters are receiving silence money.

Cynthia Owen