On Easter Weekend I went to Nottingham to visit my niece and brother and sister in law. I love going to see my niece, she is now 10, and we have a wonderful relationship. However when I return to Nottingham where I used to live, and where I met Simon and had my son and lived with my sister Theresa I always become very upset and distressed.
It was in Nottingham that Theresa and I shared four years of our lives together, and for the first time ever we were largely left alone by our immediate family to be together, who had for many years tried to keep us apart but failed miserably.
Theresa and I had such a special bond, she was 18 months old when I gave birth to Noleen, and so I turned to Theresa as a surrogate daughter, and raised her and my brother Michael along with my younger brother Martin.
As my mother who was an alcoholic never left our home and stayed in bed all day.
My mother resented the relationship I had with Theresa, she was jealous of us, and so was Theresa's birth mother, my older sister who had abandoned her as a baby and gone to live in the UK leaving my mother to have sole custody of her.
Once I left left home, my mother did everything she could to keep me and Theresa apart, and it hurt both of us a lot, I was filled with anger and resentment because my mother and Theresa's birth mother didnt mind me doing all the hard work, potty training, taking her to school and collecting her each day, taking her to doctors and hospitals etc, but once all that was done, they then ganged up and tried to keep us away from each other.
Theresa and I had such a complex relationship, she was my niece, and my sister, but I raised her like a mother would, and we loved each other dearly and just wanted to be together, I always felt that I had to love her enough for two mothers, as both the mothers in her life had let her down so terribly.
So it was in Nottingham Theresa came to live with me and we finally had four wonderful years together to just be with each other and to share our days and our nights.
We spent most of our days singing which was our saving grace, music got us through all our bad times, and I would often find a new song and rush home to let her know I had bought it and we would spend hours practicing it.
In the spring and summer we would bike ride and go for long walks with my son and our dog, and we would just amble along singing and sharing time together.
However Nottingham was also where both Theresa and I entered into a living nightmare, Theresa began to remember that my father had sexually abused her, and I had began to recall memories of Noleen.
And so we entered into a living hell of flashbacks and nightmares and despair as black as night.
We supported each other as best as we could, but the pain we both experienced was horrific, soul destroying, and debilitating.
Being together caused us pain, as we each reminded the other of our childhood, sometimes we would just see each other and experience the pain of our childhood, sometimes we would go for days without seeing each other, but we both missed the other one and hated being apart.
I always worried about her, I hated her being alone, she had friends but like me we never told our friends about our childhoods, we couldn't bear to be treated differently, or to share the shame we both felt.
Eventually a job opportunity for Simon meant that we had to move, and I will never forget how I felt for leaving her behind me, I asked her to come with us, but she had a good job and wanted to stay in Newark.
I couldn't believe that after all the years of fighting to stay together, I was now deciding to leave her behind me.
But I felt we both needed space to deal with our past in our own ways.
She said she didn't mind my going, but deep inside I knew she did, as we didn't see each other again for 9 years, although we did write and phone each other when we could.
For that 9 years my heart was broken and my soul destroyed, I couldn't live or cope without her, we had such an attachment, I knew it wasn't healthy, and many commented on it over the years, but either was it healthy to have a child at the age of 11, and then to have to put all that maternal love and instinct on my niece, who was being raised as my sister, but who I was really fulfilling a mother role as I raised her.
It wasnt healthy what my mother did either, to allow me to raise her, and then for her and my sister her real mother to try to break that bond we had developed. None of it was healthy.
The next time I would see Theresa she was back living in Ireland, but she came to stay with me and support me when my parents and brother were arrested for abusing us and for murdering Noleen.
As always she was by my side through difficult times, but I could tell she was not coping and she was set adrift, wandering through life with no real purpose or place to rest or feel safe.
Sadly the next time I saw her after that, was only days before she ended her life, she had asked her family doctor to contact me, and give me her phone number, and when I rang her I knew immediately she needed me and I traveled to Ireland the next day to be with her.
Unbeknownst to me Theresa had planned her death meticulously, down to her funeral and who could attend, and what to do with her clothes and items, and her finances, she laid out all her wishes in a suicide note, addressed to me, and asked that I carry out those wishes. Little did I know that her plan was to have me travel over to Ireland and then she would put her plan into action, knowing I was in the Country to carry out her funeral arrangements.
Theresa was terrified of my father seeing her when she was dead, she remembered how when my brother had ended his life, they had viewed him and buried him with an uncle who was a prolific pedophile and who had abused my brother, she also knew that my parents planned on being buried in that grave.
The only thing keeping her alive was the fear they would view her and bury her with them, and that is why she needed me to be there when she ended her life because she trusted me to take care of all the necessary arrangements.
Her birth mother traveled over from the UK to be with my parents when she found out Theresa was dead, as did another sister, they both refused to come to the funeral because I had arranged it, her birth mother, signed a legal contract to say if the funeral was paid for, she would abide by Theresa's wishes, as she was her legal next of kin.
On the day the funeral was paid for, her birth mother rang the undertakers to check the bill had been paid and no monies was due to her, then she told the undertaker she had to return to the UK because her boyfriends mother was ill. Yes, you read that right, she left the Country without sending a flower, or a card, or paying the bill, or attending the funeral, of her daughter, having stayed with my father the man who raped her child, and caused her to end her life.
Just one other sister and niece attended the funeral, and helped to pay for it, with two of Theresa's friends, yes, three family members out of around 50 who could have come, attended.
It broke my heart that she meant as little in death to them as she did in life, at her Inquest, just one niece came, and told the Coroner that she too was abused by my father.
At Noleens inquest, Theresa's birth mother accused her of ending her life for "attention" she said that Theresa lied about the abuse, and was looking for attention. Throughout the four days of the Inquest, her birth mother sat with my father and with my older brother who had also sexually abused Theresa.
Theresa had named both of these men in her suicide note, and yet her mother openly supported both of them at the Inquest and gave evidence to protect them too.
And so this weekend I went back to Nottingham where I had last lived with Theresa, on my many previous visits in the Eleven years since she died, I had always avoided the street where she lived, if we even drove near the area I would become very upset and distressed.
But this weekend, I decided to face my fears and go back to the actual house where she lived, I bought some flowers and a little plaque with "Rest in Peace" on it.
Theresa had lived on a main road, so I felt it was ok to leave the flowers and the plaque there, because her house came onto the street with no garden, and I walked there in the rain and the dark.
I stood outside the house, remembering our good and bad times, and some of the songs we used to sing, our happy and sad times, our pain and our agony as the past caught up on us and pushed us apart.
I touched the windowsill where I knew her bedroom was, and I told her I loved her and I still missed her, and as I walked away I thought of the little plaque I had left with "Rest in peace" on it and I hoped that I could now find peace with that part of my life and the awful guilt I have always felt for leaving her there alone.
I thought to myself that she would be at peace, that she had gone through hell on earth, how her whole life she had been tormented and a tortured soul, and I felt comfort knowing that she was probably safe now and better out of this awful world.
And then it occurred to me how it is still awful, for me, with my legal battle, and all the lies my family still tell, and how they still protect those who done this to us, and I said to her "its still awful baby, my life is still awful, it hasn't got any better for me" as I realized I am still going through the same hell, that she had been going through when she lived in that house, or when she ended her life.
I realized that I was still here, and it was still awful, and not much had changed for me since she had died, and I felt comfort that she wasn't here to be experiencing the pain she had left this world to escape.
I hope now I can find some peace myself and a bit of comfort as I prepare to face Monday 4th April and my daughters 43rd anniversary which since Theresa died has always been even more difficult for me to cope with as I feel both of their losses.
I bought myself a little ornament when I was in Nottingham, this is the photo of it, a "mother" with her two daughters, it reminded me of Noleen and Theresa, and the two daughters I have lost.
"Rest in Peace" my two beautiful babies, mummy loves you".