Within weeks of the verdict at the Inquest my father took out a high court case against the coroner, claiming that the Coroners verdict was wrong, however the Coroner didnt identify Noleen a jury of 6 men and 6 women did, but regardless my father ploughed ahead with his case, this cut me to the core, the arrogance of the man, the fact that the only court action going on in Ireland for me or my daughter was from the paedophile who had abused me and the man who might be Noleens father.
But both my parents knew they were untouchable, they were arrested for ONE DAY, on 7th June 1995 and released without charge, they had too much on the cops who had abused me, and they knew they would never be convicted, if they ever were put on a stand they had too much to tell, too many other paedophiles to bring down with them.
From 1995 to 2005, through that whole time my father never hired a lawyer, but the day after my allegations came out in the media that I had been sexually abused by three retired police officers, my father gave an interview to a newspaper to say he was going to sue me, that he was hiring a lawyer.
At the Inquest he had hired a full legal team, solicitor, lawyer, and barrister, not only for him, but for three of my sisters as well, the Inquest went on for four and a half days, his fee's would have ran into anywhere between 30-50,000, and yet he was a retired corporation worker who drank 7 nights a week and smoked 60 cigarettes a day.
When he died, he left my 3 sisters and a brother 20,000 euro each, that was 100,000 euro, I had strong suspicions he was being "paid" to be kept quiet, and so were some of my siblings, and that all of their legal fee's were being paid for them.
My 3 oldest sisters, and my brother, had always hated my father, when we were growing up, they would never sit in the same room with him, when they left home, if they came back to visit, they would always try to visit when he was out, he never spoke to any of them, and he was very hostile towards all of them.
My 3 oldest sisters all gave police statements saying that they had been abused in our family home and that their four youngest siblings had been too, two of them admitted on the stand at the Inquest that the younger children were constantly complaining about being sexually abused, and that they did nothing to help us or rescue us.
But then went on to give newspaper interviews calling us liar, and yet, the police didn't take any action against them for this, on the one hand giving police statements backing up the abuse, but on the other hand publicly calling us liars. Then they turn up at the Inquest WITH my father and support him, the change in them was too radical, and knowing them the way I do, only money could have been what changed their mind.
A newspaper ran an article asking where they all got the money for their legal fees, and where did my father get the 100,000 euro to leave in his will, but the paper was immediately threatened with a law suit if they ever printed anything like that again???
My father died before the High Court case was heard, in March 2010, but my sisters continued with it, who paid their fee's? They were unemployed? The outcome was that my sister agreed to drop the case (she hadn't a leg to stand on anyway, because there was no way she would have had the decision overturned) if the Coroner agreed to make a statement saying he wasn't implicating her in Noleens murder, that in effect meant she was now admitting Noleen was my daughter and had been murdered in our home, only she wanted her name cleared.
All of this destroyed me, that Noleen could be treated like this, beyond what they had done to her, that even my sisters could taunt me and Noleen and call us liars, that my father was behind this even though he was dead, I continually asked myself what kind of Country would allow this to happen, that even when I have fought for so many years to get Noleens inquest up and running, within weeks my abuser snatches it from my hands and begins to abuse me all over again using the legal system to do so.
I put it to the gardai that my father was being paid "bribe" money and asked them to investigate who was paying his legal fee's but they said that was a private matter, even though the Criminal Assets Bureau can investigate solicitors if they think that someone is committing fraud, and surely if a retired member of the gardai was paying my father to stay quiet about his involvement in child rape and murder, that IS a criminal matter, but my father was untouchable, no one could touch the man, he had way too much on other people and it was that, and that alone, that kept him and my mother free.