Thursday, 5 March 2015



I am delighted to announce that Simon got the all - clear today from Prostate Cancer. Simon was very young to have had prostate cancer, it was diagnosed when he was 47, but his symptoms had been present since he was 43. 

Please if you are having any problems with your "water works" see your GP a simple blood test can catch it and studies show that it is a very high success rate if caught early enough. 

Men whose father or brother had prostate cancer are two and a half times more likely to have prostate cancer and men who have prostrate cancer their sisters are at risk of getting breast cancer so please get yourselves to the GP and don't leave it too late. 

Thankfully Simon is now in a low risk grade and will be checked every three months for the next five years. We certainly were very lucky, as we caught it on time. Will you?