Did you know?
You can request your Garda Files using the Data Protection Act?
Here's what to do.
Write to:
Data protection Officer.Garda data processing unit.
Racecourse Road,Thurles ,County Tipp.
Data protection Officer.Garda data processing unit.
Racecourse Road,Thurles ,County Tipp.
Here is how you have to word the letter.
Dear Data Protection Officer under the data protection act 1988-2003 I wish to make access for copies to all data you hold on me on computer or in manual form. My date of birth is _____ .Enclosed with my application there is an Irish money order for E6.35 and a copy of my ID or birth cert.
When you write this letter make two copies of your money order and letter to the data protection officer.
You will need these later on in the process, so keep a copy of them.
You will receive a letter back saying they got your application and are working on it. You may not hear from them again .So 40 days after making the application make two complaints .One to the data protection commissioner and another complaint to the garda ombudsman. Do not call the garda data protection office when you do not hear from them.
Enclose your copy of the letter and the money order you originally sent to the Garda Data Protection Office.
If you have had a case sent off to the DPP by the Garda you can also request that file using the data protection act to get them. If you want them. You will also need a money order for them too.
If anyone does use this service please let me know how they got on, see the below link also.